Setting goals for the new year is par for the course. Everyone does it! Setting goals is a great way to prepare for the future and stay motivated. As a therapist, I work with clients on goal setting on a daily basis. However, as a vast majority of people are setting their personal, career and fitness goals, they often aren’t looking at setting their couples goals. Setting “couples goals” can help you and your partner get back on track and stay motivated to continue working on your relationship. New year, new and fresh start to your relationship!
Re-take the Love Language Quiz
As life changes, so does your love language. Make it a goal for both of you to retake your love language quiz independently. After receiving your results, reflect on the things your partner can do to better speak your love language. Sit together and share your answers with each other. Have an open dialogue with your partner. Ask questions – be curious about what makes your partner feel loved. While at it, add “make my partner feel loved” to your 2023 goals!
Weekly Business Meetings
One of my top tips for all couples is to schedule weekly business meetings. This is so so important. Make it a goal this year to have a business meeting with your partner once a week. In these meetings you will cover events on the calendar, meals, bills due, etc. Making sure you and your partner are on the exact same page of what the week is going to look like, will help eliminate the chance for miscommunication.
More Quality Time/Date Nights
Quality time might not be either of your love languages, but it still is very important to your relationship. Set time aside, at least once a month, to spend quality time together – no phones, no distractions, no children, etc. Take turns planning the date night. This doesn’t have to be anything extravagant. It just needs to be you and your partner, spending some uninterrupted time together to reconnect.
Learn to Fight Fair
Fighting fair isn’t always easy – I get it. However, your relationship will be so much better off if you and your partner learn how to fight fair. I go into more detail in a blog about this. You can find it here.
Begin a New Hobby Together
Find a new hobby, that you both enjoy, and do it together. Experiencing something new with your partner is a great way to bond. Each of you can come up with ideas on what hobby you would like to begin with each other and mutually agree on one…or two…or three.
Find a Couples Therapist
Seeing a couples therapist doesn’t only have to happen when things aren’t good. You can see a couples therapist regularly to help keep your relationship on track. We go for check-ups for our physical health, why not go to check-up on the health of our relationship?
Setting goals is a fun way to stay motivated and work toward something. Do the same for your relationship. Work “hand-in-hand” with your partner to better and strengthen your relationship – you won’t be sorry!